Mt. Zion Primitive Baptist Church
On March 6, in the year of our Lord, 1869, The Mount Zion Primitive Baptist Church of Milton, Florida, was organized. It served as both church and school. It was at the Mount Zion Primitive Baptist Church that the Mount Zion Primitive Baptist Association was organized, thus earning the church the title of Mother Church. From 1869 to present, the church has had 17 Pastors to serve the church and the community. We are a member of the West Florida/Alabama/Louisiana Primitive Baptist Association under the leadership of Elder Ernest Williams III, Florida State Primitive Baptist Convention, Inc. under the leadership of Elder Dr. Chris Burney, and the National Primitive Baptist Convention, Inc. under the leadership of Elder Dr. Kenneth Dukes.
Jesus established the church to be a community of believers, a family to encourage each other in unity and confess that we are unable, on our own, to practice unconditional love demonstrated by our Father, but we pray and desire that He empowers us to demonstrate His love toward each others.
Jesus establish the church to be a community of believers, to project his love to the world. As a church our goal is to love each other without conditions or expectations.
We confess that we are unable, on our own, to practice the unconditional love demonstrated by our Father, but we pray and desire that He empowers us to demonstrate His love to you and those around us.
We serve our community through local events and Santa Rosa Fellowship of Churches, Inc. with their Vocation Bible School, Bible Training and meeting every 2nd Sunday for prayer and worship service.